Page 11 - Hotel Tunnel's 100 Years of History
P. 11

commonly known merchants dealing in manufactured goods, spices, and various other goods, would due to the diversity of goods for sale, gain a larger customer base, even among the general population. For the trade
of imported goods, the old clothing booths were located in the city's main commercial and main street, near the assembly and the ship bridge, and in the center of the street life crossing between Östergatan and Södergatan. After the change to krambodar in the late 1400s, they were called "the high kramboder"."
At the beginning of the 1520s, we find that the four shops were owned by the following people:
1. The horn shop by the grocer Anders Harcke,
2. The shop next to the east of it by the same person,
3. The third shop by the city councilman and grocer Jacob Michelsen, and
4. The shop located in the east - also by Jacob Michelsen. The owner of the horn shop, Anders Harcke, was the son of city councilman Hans Harcke and his wife Karine and was born around 1497. His uncle was probably the citizen, later city councilman Peder Harcke. Around 1516, the city councilman Hans Harcke died and left behind, besides Karine, only one child, his son Anders Harcke, for whom the merchant Hans Bynger of the city council and council was appointed as guardian. The following year, Karine remarried the respected merchant Henrik Sewenick and on Friday, August 2, an inheritance agreement was made between Henrik Sewenick and his wife Karine on one side and the guardian Hans Bynger on the other side concerning the inheritance of Hans Harcke of the city council and council. According to this agreement, Anders Harcke would inherit the following fixed and loose property as his father's inheritance:
5. A stone house with a cellar located "up on" the garden occupied by Sewenick himself,
6. An uncultivated land, located in the "street that leads from St. Jorgen's and to the graabrodre, which is called Andhris Jenszens street", i.e. Skomakare-, Laroche- and Tegelgardsgatorna, and purchased by Hans Harcke at the same time as the aforementioned stone house,
7. A farm by Soderport, occupied by Jacob Pottemager, along with all the shops and farm buildings belonging to it,
8. A shop that Hans Harcke received from Frende hestemollere with the corresponding built and unbuilt land,
9. A farm, previously occupied by Anders Verckmestere, and
10. Four shops in Falsterbo, located in the "street that leads from the turf and to the town church" and taking "the eastern gate of the courtyard and the northeast seat and half of the courtyard with free passage in and out, ownership and possession",
11. Half of all gold, silver "and coral" that was in the estate, comprising

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