Page 17 - Hotel Tunnel's 100 Years of History
P. 17

 Pedersen, further his unknown daughter and her husband, the citizen Jens, and his son from the second marriage, Baltzer Jacobsen. On December
17, 1535, Christiern Pedersen appeared before the city council and mayor in the city hall and, after explaining that he and his wife Else Jacobsdotter had in good agreement and contract with Anne Jacob Michelsen, taken over her father's and mother's inheritance, with the condition that Anne Jacob Michelsen thereafter would take on the debt of 205 marks 9 shillings 2 pence and the annual interest for the silver items weighing 100 lots, that his predecessor in marriage Christoffer Matsen had bought at the city hall on November 15, 1533 and now belonged to his wife, gave Anne Jacob Michelsen and her heirs. Otherwise, it seems that Anne managed the af- fairs of the estate in a satisfactory way for herself. She compensated her son Baltzer Jacobsen's inheritance by transferring the ownership rights of 10 of her late husband's booths to him, eight of which were located on the plots numbers 260-267, XI-XV, in the block number 46 von Conow, on the eas- tern side of Kalendegatan, and the two remaining ones, belonging to the so-called waterfront booths, on the northern side of Vandhusstredet (part of present-day Norra Vallgatan) north of the block number 30 Skvalperup. Anne Jacob Michelsen herself retained and lived in the large stone hou-
se with its adjacent garden plots, along with the two high corner booths. However, in 1542, she sold the corner booths to the western neighbor, the mint master Povel Fechtel. She lived in the large stone house until her

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