Page 29 - Hotel Tunnel's 100 Years of History
P. 29

 her lute, can speak of the Pope and Luther!
King Christian lies in the grave in Roskilde Cathedral, Leonora's brother is king. There is glory and splendor in the palace in Copenhagen, there
is beauty and talent, foremost the queen herself, Sophia Amalia of Lüne- burg. 'Who manages her horse as skillfully as she? Who has in the dance a majesty like hers, who speaks with insight and talent like the queen of Denmark?'" "Leonora Christina Ulfeldt." Those words were spoken by
the French ambassador, "In beauty, cleverness she surpasses all." From the palace's dance floor, envy's thistle grew; it clung, it snarled and twined around, writhing: "The favorite child! Her charm shall hold by the palace bridge; where the queen rides, the lady shall walk." Rumors, poems and lies spread. And Ulfeldt takes his wife by the hand in the quiet night. He has the keys to the city gates; he opens one of them, the horses wait outsi- de. They ride along the shore and sail away to the Swedish land." Corfitz Ulfeldt, who after his flight from Denmark was consumed by hatred for his enemies, his king and his homeland, was driven in his subsequent activities solely by plans for revenge against King Frederick and Denmark and used the favor he gained with Queen Christina to incite her to war against Denmark. In particular, his desire for revenge grew after King Frederick in 1653 had seized all of his property and possessions in Den-

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