Page 36 - Hotel Tunnel's 100 Years of History
P. 36

the answer was that he was awaiting orders from the governor-general and that "his cargo would consist of only a few people". Leonora Chris- tina's suspicion had now turned into certainty. There was no time to waste. Although Ulfeldt was not fully recovered from his long and serious illness, the couple decided to flee, and their plan was for Ulfeldt to go to Lübeck and Leonora Christina to Copenhagen; there she would prepare for his return to Denmark.
However, it was very difficult to escape, as Ulfeldt's estate with its en- trances and exits at Adel and Kyrkogatorna was guarded by 36 soldi-
ers who had received strict orders and, among other things, had been prohibited from letting anyone enter the count's house. The main force
of the guards was located at the estate, where the exit was through a gate at Kyrkogatan with approximately the same location as the current gate. The current gate at Kansligatan did not exist at the time. After the trial, Ulfeldt's health had improved, but it was in Leonora Christina's interest and prompted by the couple's difficult situation in captivity to keep the improvement a secret from the guards, or at least try to maintain the impression that Ulfeldt was still very ill. This also served as the reason for the guard's refusal to grant access to the count's house, and as such, the guards posted outside the entrance at Adelgatan and outside the gate at Kyrkogatan were completely isolated.
Ulfeldt and Elenora had their bed chambers, located on the top of Adel- gatan and Kansligatorna, and his at the last street in the building that was erected in 1583 but burned down in 1750. In the latter year, the current two-story house built on the site would have been where Ulfeldt's sing- ing chamber would have been located, opposite the northern section of Tunneln's billiard room above Anton Johan's cellars.
In the years 1583 to 1750, in the wooden building Corfitz Ulfeldt had his main chamber and beneath it the cooler room, through which the escape took place in the middle of July 1660. The location of this event used to be a billiard room year 1905, currently 2023 dinning/ball room, and the cellar underneath, whose street facade is depicted above."
It seemed impossible to simply escape from one of the windows of the-
se rooms, but the guards who were visible at both ends of the street, constantly keeping watch over the street, made any thought of escape that way impossible. However, Leonora Christina and D'Aranda came up with a plan, they found a way out through the bed chambers floor to the hou- se's basement and through the entrance leading from Adelgatan to the basement located in the east under Michelsenska trappgavelhuset (built in 1519) and escape into the open. D'Aranda, who was the only servant in

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