Page 68 - Hotel Tunnel's 100 Years of History
P. 68

P. G. Barkman's estate showed significant assets and a retained wealth of 357,960 riksdaler 24 ore riksmynt. Among the assets were, besides pro- perty number 353 (incorrectly also numbered as 352) and the lot under number 346, the suburban property Molleyangen with factory buildings covering 100 acres of land, as well as the plantation properties Wismar, Finland, Savolax, and Lappmarken, covering 21 acres of land, all proper- ties together valued at 208,000 riksdaler.
After P. G. Barkman's death, his son Olof Theodor Barkman, who pas- sed away in Skoldsta, Hjortsberga parish on March 30, 1908, continued his father's business and factory operations under his father's company name "P. G. Barkman". Therefore, on November 28, 1863, he was gran- ted citizenship as a merchant and on the following December 5, the right to conduct a factory operation for the production of starch and the milling of flour and grains using water power. In order to continue this factory operation on the suburban property Mollevangen, he formed a partnership in 1866 with factory owner F. Sewan, which company took over the operations in the same year. O. Th. Barkman's trading and factory operations under the company name "P. G. Barkman" were dis- continued in early 1874 according to his notification to the authorities on February 14 of that year.
P. G. Barkman's remaining properties were held under joint manage- ment by his estate until 1875 when merchant and consul Hans Friis became the sole owner of them. During this time and a few years after P. G. Barkman's death, the cellar built in 1319 at Adelgatan entered a new phase of its history, where the old wine and oil cellar traditions from Jacob Fechtell's and his descendants' time were revived.

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