Page 68 - کار و چالاکیێن ر .گ . رێک و پرا
P. 68

ێﮐﻮھد ﺎھەﮔﺰێرﺎﭘ ل ێﻧﺮﮑێﺟەﺘﺸﯿﻧ و نﺮﮑﻧادەﭬﺎﺋ و اﺮﭘ و ﮏێر ﺎﯾ ﯽﺘﺸﮔ ﺎﯾرەﺑەﭭێر

            نارەﺒﻧﺎﻣرەﻓ ێﺘﺳﺎﺋ ﺎﻧﺮﮐﺪﻨﻠﺑ ﻮﺑ ﻦﺘﺴﺧ ﮏێر ەﻨﯿﺗﺎھ ﻦێرﺎﻨﯿﻤﺳ و نﺎﻨێھار و لﻮﺧ

                                  -: ﯽﺗﻻوو یەﭬرەد ل (2022-2023) ﻻﺎﺳ ل

                                                     ێﻟﻮﺧ ێﭬﺎﻧ                                             ژ

                 Internatial road federation Advances in pavement,design,analysis&construction Geotechnical
                 investingation for pavements,slope stability&bridges HDM4licenses&training

                  Tunnel construction in civil engineering,inspection,supervision and control training     2

                  Environment and social framework                                                         3

                   The training on mitigation risk of sexual exploitation,abuse and harassment             4

                   Workshop on road safety investment strategy and safety system projects

        68           2022-2023
   63   64   65   66   67   68   69   70   71   72   73