Page 2 - Marks Test - Old Insight
P. 2

From the Editorial Desk                              Our   Council

                                                                  Ashley  Briggs         Chairman
             There  is  an  attitude  expressed  in  certain
             sections  of  the  museum  membership  that          Wayne Denereaz       Vice  Chairman
             considers people to be true members only if
             they work on the aircraft.                           David Soderstrom    Secretary

             This is not a new attitude; it’s been around         Matt  Austin          Treasurer
             for as long as I can remember and it’s not an
             attitude confined to the museum; it rears its        Jason  Burgess        Board Member
             ugly head in business as well. When I worked         Tech. Library Manager
             for  Ford  Australia  there  was  a  certain  plant   Alan  Craigie           Board Member
             manager  who  considered  that  the  only            Curator
             workers were those who wielded air drills or         Michel  Givord         Board Member
             torque  wrenches.  Everyone  else  was  a
             parasite.  The  fact  that  he  was  an  office      Tammie Shore          Board Member
             worker  and  therefore  a  parasite  by  his  own    Membership/Shop Admin.
             estimation  was  an  irony  that  appeared  lost     Ian  Matthews         Board Member
             on him.
                                                                  Newton  Mattison      Board Member
             The  one  priceless  advantage  the  museum          Retail Shop Manager
             possesses      over    professionally    curated     Mark Powell           Board Member
                                                                  ANAM Car Club Scrutineer
             museums is the diversity of skills, talents and
             qualifications     embedded        within     the
             membership.  Museum  professionals  all
             come out of the same system with a B.A. in           PATRONS
                                                                  The  Hon  Simon  Crean,  former
             History, Literature or some such and a BSc in
             Museum Studies. This leads to a conformity           Federal  Minister
             of  thought  and  action  so  beloved  by            Dr  Gwynne  Duigan,  Duigan  Family
             bureaucrats the world over.                          Archivist
                                                                  The  Hon  Gordon  Rich-Phillips  MLC,
             In  the  museum  we  have  a  variety  of  skills    former Minister  for  Aviation  Industry
             and  talents  ranging  from  sheet  metal            Insight  is  a  publication  of  the
             fabrication to desk top publishing and event         Australian  Aircraft  Restoration
             management. We count experts in insurance,           Group  ACN  005  125  244,  trading
             gardening,  sign  writing,  marketing  and           the  Austalian  National  Aviation
             aircraft maintenance amongst our number.             Museum
                                                                  P.O. Box 242
             Museum professionals have to pay for these           Mentone, Vic. 3194
             skills: we get them for nothing. All members         Tel;  9580 7752
             of the museum can and often do contribute            Email:
             in their own way. That makes them museum             Editorial Contact:
             members;  nothing  more  and  certainly
             nothing less.                                        The  opinions  expressed  in  this
                                                                  publication are those of the authors
             Keith Gaff                                           and  do  not  necessarily  reflect  the

             EDITOR                                               opinions  of  the  Australian  Aircraft
                                                                  Restoration Group.
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