Page 9 - March 2019 Thoroughbred Highlight
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Continued from Page 8
Eventually when asked if she would take the mare, Tess agreed and Cruising Executive arrived at the farm on November 22 in fairly rough condition.
In a few short months, Cruz, her new barn name, is feeling and looking better each day.
Eventually Tess plans to see if Cruz will go on to be a  t for her Gateway Farms Equine Assisted Learning business which she started with partner Yvette Cadieux, a clinical social worker with a lifelong passion for horses.
Approaching their  rst year in business Gateway Farms Equine Assisted Learning program, uses an experiential approach to teaching important life skills like leadership, communication and teamwork using horses. The program offers various workshops for individuals, families and companies as well as individual or family programs for grief counseling and overall wellbeing.
Visit their website for more information
White Turf International Horseraces - The European Snow Meeting
St. Moritz is a prestigious Swiss holiday resort town nestled in the scenic Engadine Valley, 6000 feet above sea level, on the south side of the Alps.
For the  rst three Sundays of February each year the town of St. Moritz is host to White Turf, an international horseracing festival which started in 1906 with Skikjoring races in which skiers are towed behind racing horses.
Today it is considered to be one of the valley’s most fascinating events with trotting,  at, and pony races along with the historic Skikjoring races taking place on the frozen St. Moritz Lake.
(Check out the replay videos here)
Today, the  at races make up the majority of the meet and when the champions league of international turf horses meet on snow in St. Moritz, not every turf champion will turn out as a snow king or queen but most do very well.
Mutuel wagering is offered on all races and odds are displayed on an on-track tote board.
Thoroughbred horses racing in  ying snow, betting fever and the fantastic scenery of the beautiful Alps make these racing days so special.
Kayley Nicoll with Blanche, a Dutch Warmblood and former hunter champion at the Royal Winter Fair. Blanche is one of the Equine Assisted Learning horses at Gateway Farm where people discover that horses are profound, wise teachers.
2019 TAA Accreditation Application Now Available
The 2019 application for accreditation by the Thoroughbred Aftercare Alliance is now available online.
Thoroughbred aftercare nonpro ts interested in applying must complete the application by the closing date of April 1 at 6 p.m. ET. Since TAA accreditation is only granted for a speci c period of time, organizations with accreditation status ending in 2019 that want to remain accredited need to re-apply.
Accreditation status is determined after a complete review of  ve key areas: operations, education, horse health care management, facility standards and services, and adoption policies and protocols. Organizations passing the application review will be subject to site inspections by representatives of
the TAA of all facilities housing Thoroughbreds. Organizations that receive accreditation are eligible
to receive  nancial grants from the TAA, but prior grants awarded are no indication of potential future awards for those organizations previously accredited. In 2018 the TAA awarded more than $3 million to accredited organizations as grants earmarked speci cally for equine care, totaling more than $13.8 million awarded since 2012.
For more information on the TAA accreditation process visit
Thoroughbred Highlight, March 2019, Page 9

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