Page 16 - Peter Randall "The Craft of the Knot.."
P. 16
Another important structure in knot tying is the crossing turn, used in
many of the knots you’ll learn in this book. You can quickly create a
crossing turn by grabbing a part of the bight and giving it a half twist
that forms a loop. When making a crossing turn, it is very important that
the orientation of the over-under section of the crossing is correct for the
knot you are tying. In practice, you will quickly get the crossing
orientation correct each time by associating it with a twist in a certain
direction, which is quicker than trying to think about whether the
running end crosses over or under when producing it.
When you tie a knot in the rope without ever using the running end,
you’re said to “tie in the bight.” Tying in the bight may be done in the
middle of the rope or near the end (as long as you’re not moving the
running end). For example, you can make a Clove Hitch by making two
crossing turns in the bight. Then, lay the right crossing turn over the left
one, and the resulting hitch can then be placed over the end of a post.
Many knots that are usually tied with the running end can be tied in
the bight by folding a bight anywhere in the line and then using it
exactly as you would a running end. When a Simple Overhand Knot is
tied this way, the bight that protrudes from the knot where the running
end would have been can then be used as a loop. This is a good way to
make a loop in very small cord or string.