Page 4 - Peter Randall "The Craft of the Knot.."
P. 4

Slipped Sheet Bend
                     Surgeon’s Bend

                     Water Knot

                     Zeppelin Bend

                     Interlocking Overhand Bends

                  CHAPTER 3: EASY LOOPS

                     Bowline Loop
                     Butterfly Loop

                     Directional Figure Eight

                     Double Bowline
                     Figure Eight Loop

                     Overhand Loop

                     Triple Crown Loop
                     Triple Figure Eight

                  CHAPTER 4: PRACTICAL HITCHES
                     Barrel Hitch

                     Barrel Sling

                     Half Hitch
                     Rolling Hitch

                     Round Turn and Two Half Hitches

                     Tautline Hitch
                     Trucker’s Hitch

                     Wagoner’s Hitch

                  CHAPTER 5: SIMPLE LASHINGS

                     Diagonal Lashing

                     Sheer Lashing
                     Square Lashing

                     Transom Knot
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