Page 14 - Powerlist 2020
P. 14

Let’s work together to

                   create more excellence

                                                  his is the 14th time I’ve written   benefit from something we know
                                                  a publisher’s letter for the   about and informing them about it,
                                             TPowerlist and on the pages        recommending them for it or simply
                                             following this page, in each and every   using their product or service to get
                                             publication, including this one, we   it done.
                                             unearth exceptional men and women
                                             of African, African Caribbean and    It can’t be that hard to achieve this
                                             African American heritage who excel   change because every other racial
                                             at what they do for a living.      demographic does it as standard. And
                                               Every year a large number of thesm   without repeating all of the clichés
                                             come together at the Powerlist Black   about unity equating to strength – the
                                             Excellence Awards – the annual     fact is, it actually does.
                   MICHAEL EBODA             black-tie dinner we host to launch the   As Dr Martin Luther King Jr said:
                                             Powerlist – and they network with one
                       PUBLISHER             another, catch up with friends and   “Every man must decide whether
                                             acquaintances, and generally have a   he will walk in the light of creative
                                             wonderful time.                    altruism or in the darkness of
                                                                                destructive selfishness.”
                                               And then they go home and far too
                                             many of them will not see, hear from,   What choice will you make?
                                             or think about the people they have   On another note, it is pleasing to

                                             spent time with in that room until the   see the number of Powerlistees who
                                             following year, when the cycle repeats   have been all too willing to partake
                                             itself all over again.             in our mentoring scheme in which
                                               We need to alter the narrative.   Powerlistees mentor Future Leaders
                                             It’s no longer acceptable for such a   for a period of 12 months. Not a
                                             powerful group of people simply to   single one of the 30 or so people
                                             meet and pat each other on the back   we approached even flinched at the
                                             once a year.
                                                                                idea. And the feedback has been
                                               The Powerlist was created to     phenomenal. I really wish I had a
                                             facilitate the progress of black people   pound for each time I’ve heard the
                                             in the UK and to the extent that it has   phrase ‘life changing’ having asked a
                                             brought together a number of men   Future Leader what they think about
                                             and women at a certain level who
                                             otherwise would not have known one   the scheme.
                                             another, it has succeeded. But now we   A while ago we set out to ensure
                                             have to turn the dial and ensure our   that we had gender parity in the
                                             interaction with one another becomes   numbers of men an women on the
                                             more than that. It’s time for us to start   Powerlist. This year, for the first time,
                                             consciously supporting one another in   there are more women on the list.
                                             what we do.
                                               It isn’t difficult to figure out how
                                             to make this happen. All it needs   This edition of the Powerlist is
                                             is for each and every one of us to   dedicated to the memory of Jude
                                             consciously think about whom we    Boansi, a young man who interned
                                             know from our network of African,   with Powerful Media a few years ago
                                             African Caribbean and African      and sadly passed away on August 20,
                                             American contacts who may          2019. Rest in peace, Jude.
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