Page 6 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 6

Community Involvement

              #3051 Orland Park                                                        #1303 Homer Glen

                                                                                                   December 8, 2018

                          December 8, 2018                                     Salvation Army Red Kettle collector Angie was a hit with
                                                                               customers at #1303 Homer Glen.  She was described as “the
          The Cub Scouts spent some time at #3051 Orland Park                  most pleasant, energetic, positive collector the store has ever
          collecting for the Orland Park Food Pantry.                          seen.” The customers of Homer Glen collected gifts that were
                                                                               given to her on her last day!
          In two hours the young men raised $436.00!                                                                                   6
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