Page 13 - June 2017 Associate ReCap
P. 13
Community Involvement
Hilton Hotel, Chicago Old Orchard, Skokie
May 14, 2017
The Lag B’omer Jewish Family
Festival at Old Orchard Mall
was a hit! Jewel-Osco was one
May 12, 2017 of the sponsors of the event
and thanks to the beautiful
When is the last time you had lunch with a Hollywood legend? Chicago weather and good time more
native Bob Newhart was the keynote speaker at the Jewel-Osco sponsored than 2,000 of our customers
Salvation Army luncheon and he kept the audience entertained! turned out. We even got a
Pictured above is D.C. Ops Dir. Fred C., Community Affairs Dir. Melissa H., shout out on FB from a popular
V.P. Human Resources Tim C., Bob Newhart, D.C. General Mgr. John local blogger for the coupon
Y. & Communications Manager Mary Frances T. we offered in the event