Page 14 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 14
Community Involvement
#3256 Algonquin
The Hazelden Betty Ford Foundation once again received a
donation check as a result of the Jonny Pops and Jewel –Osco
promotion this summer.
A portion of the sales from Johnny Pops amounted to $2,579.
Pictured left is Jewel-Osco Merchandising Bob B., Johnny
Pops John Brust & Hazelden Ex. Dir. Ramsden Kasha
December 13, 2017
December 13, 2017
Hormel and Jewel-Osco partnered to give 1,692 Cure 81 Half Boneless Hams
to the Northern Illinois Food Bank . The donation is equivalent to
approximately 5,000 meals for families in need!
According to Hormel “It's our plan to continue strong growth in the smoked
meats business at Jewel-Osco and give away even more hams come holiday
season 2018!”
Pictured above is Hormel Foods Customer Executive Tim Bortner, Jewel-Osco
Marketing /Merchandising V.P. Anthony S., & NIFB CEO Julie Yurko.