Page 4 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 4
Community Involvement
Plainfield Soldier Field
December 3, 2017
Jewel-Osco Facilities Maintenance Director Brian K. sent
these longtime #3160 Palos Park customers #JoJo figurines
and had this to say “ The customer was talking up Jewel-
Osco to the nurses and waiting room patients. I
December 3, 2017 approached him while I was there and introduced my
self. He was very appreciative and complemented our
Congratulations to Digital Marketing Manager company for such a wonderful mascot that his grandkids
Amber G & boyfriend Produce Vendor Analyst loved. He is also a Bears season ticket holder and was
Jason E. on their upcoming bundle of joy! looking forward to seeing #JoJo’s next appearance. “
They learned they’d be having a baby girl in Spring
2018 during a gender reveal party.
Pictured left is Amber’s Sister #3086 Oak Lawn
Alexxis L.