Page 10 - May 2017 Associate ReCap
P. 10

Community Involvement

       #3428 Evanston                                            #3306 West Dundee

                         April 8, 2017                                                     April 15, 2017

        #3428 Evanston was the scene of a very impressive        “Just a bunch of regular guys, of all ages, from all
        food drive with Cub Scout Pack 903 and Boy Scout         walks of life with one thing in common....the love of
        Troop 3 working to collect items for the local food
        pantry.  Store Director Bill P. handed out $100 gift     singing in the barbershop style.” That is how the Fox
        cards to add to the food that was already collected.     Valley Men of Harmony describe themselves on their
        By late morning two delivery trucks full of  donations   website. Customers and Associates at #3306 West Dundee
        had been taken to the pantry!
                                                                 were lucky to hear them perform recently.
                                                                 We should all be so fortunate!                                       10
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