Page 3 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 3

Community Involvement

           #3475 Deerfield
                                                                         #3407 Chicago

                                                                                          November 3, 2017

                                                                      Chicago based artist Matthew Hoffman placed his inspirational
                        November 2, 2017
                                                                      message on the side of #3407 Chicago, specifically 5516 Clark Street.
                                                                      The message “Anything is Possible”  was placed on an 80ft wide, 10ft
                                                                      tall wall and according to the local newspaper article “Jewel-Osco

     Associates at #3475 Deerfield created this gem for the           jumped onboard to create the artwork.”
     Deerfield Holiday walk! In addition to the #JOJO tree                                                                             3
     topper there were promo toys and gift cards!
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