Page 32 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 32

Melrose Park Employees of the


                                                                     Laura D. &
                          Robert H.                                                                         Anthony G.
                         Dry Grocery                                  Juana R.                             Transportation
                                                                    Fresh Foods

            Robert is a Fork Driver and a model           Laura and Juana have been             Dispatcher & Load Planner
            associate who understands his job             instrumental in getting               Anthony learned each area of
            responsibilities and executes them            employees trained in all aspects      dispatch including the second desk,
            every day. He is a self-starter, who          of  our operation, which has been     lead dispatcher role, and load
            works bell to bell, operates the              a very challenging task especially    planner responsibilities within
            equipment safely and professionally,          with conversion.                      his first year. He is very reliable and
            and keeps us informed of  any                 DC leadership said “Laura and         can be depended upon to work any
            problems that should develop.                 Juana, your daily commitment          schedule. Anthony routinely
            Robert sets a good example and is key         is appreciated!                       exhibits a positive attitude, offers to
            to the continued successes of  the night                                            assist others, and is consistently
            shift.                                                                              easy to work with.         32
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