Page 4 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 4
Community Involvement
#3474 Palatine
July 5, 2019
Arlington Heights
The world
July 3-7, 2019 made a stop
at #3474
Palatine during
#3422 Arlington Heights Store Director Jim G. has this to say about the July 4 th
Frontier Days “had a blast and it was great for our store”! Jewel- holiday!
Osco #3422 donated fifty blueberry pies and forty-five cases of water
that did not go to waste! “A special thank you to Service Manager D2 D.M. Dave
Becky without her this event would not be the same or at all, Jason B. was front and
(Becky's husband) and MaryAnne for all helping with this event” said center for an
S.D. Jim. appearance
that attracted
quite a crowd.