Page 4 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 4

Community Involvement

                                                                                                                          June 2, 2019

                                                          #3349 Chicago

                                                                                            Various vendors working to
                                                                                            attract new or existing
                                                                                            customers participated in a
           Montrose Harbor                                                                  program that focuses on
                                                                                            summer grilling.
                      June 1, 2019                                                          #3349 Chicago took the
                                                                                            lead and several other
          PAWS  Chicago annual 5k brought out the dogs                                      stores followed including
          to Montrose Harbor.                                                               #1256 Algonquin, #3405
          #3514 Chicago kindly donated 15 cases of                                          Gurnee & #4500 Chicago.
          bananas for the hundreds of people who showed
          up to walk and run the event.                   #1256 Algonquin
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