Page 10 - PowerPoint Presentation
P. 10

DC Employees of the Month

                       Claire S.                                 Marrlow E.                                   Wojciech K.
                      Warehouse                                  Assembler                                      Driver

          Claire is a new edition to the              Marrlow’s attention to detail,               Wojciech is a Driver who arrives to
          supervisory staff in Dry Grocery            honesty, integrity and willingness to        work every day with a smile and is
          and  she is always willing to do            help whenever and wherever needed            pleasant to interact with. He is always
          whatever it takes to get the job            helps us drive our service levels in         friendly, courteous, very cooperative
          done and learns very quickly.               the freezer every day. He performs           and helpful. Wojciech has a positive
                                                                                                   attitude, an outstanding work ethic, is
          Claire took on the responsibility of        his assigned duties efficiently and          a team player and gets along very
          managing the Symbotic                       accurately, demonstrating an                 well with his coworkers and
          inbound/outbound area daily and             understanding of what it takes to            managers. He demonstrates his
          has become a successful trainer             service our customers. Marrlow has           commitment to safety by practicing
          for her fellow supervisors.                 also added being a certified Machine         safe driving habits daily, and
          She has done a wonderful                    Trainer to his skills. His attention         therefore does not appear routinely
          job of insuring the consistency of          to detail is great and gives his best        on DriveCam for triggering events.
          the daily operation.                        effort to ensure our stores get the          Wojciech remains injury free and  is a
                                                      products in the best possible                pleasure to work with.
                                                      condition without cutting corners.                                              10
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