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P. 181
The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive:
physical; it was the porthole of torment in the church. Why I have not
attended church in a year.
I am looking for a better country to attend church- a symbolic church.
Heaven is the best country I desire. A short goal country is another state,
nation, or country, Hebrews 11:16.
The hands themselves are powerful weapons. Hands are powerful with
great ability, the potential to do damage. The hands best used for good
work like to anoint. I have seen men lift heavy things. I was weary of a
person’s strength. Strong, aggressive hands attached to the muscle.
The painful handshake, the experience of hell. I shook hands with hell.
The pain is evil from hell.
T h e H o l y K i s s
The Word of God tells us to greet each other with a holy kiss. Each other to
me is somebody I know and not a stranger. According to a dictionary each
means one of two. When God created decrees, laws, and doctrines of the
holy bible, He knew the problems, which may arise by shaking a stranger’s
hand, especially in church. He is all knowing. The wisest prophet.
Modern church leaders have directed the fold to shake hands including
myself. I have been physically traumatized, Memoir #33 Tormented. The
holy kiss is a decree of God, 2 Corinthians 13:12. Shaking hands is a
practice in business.
Satan is not a creator, like God. He simply opposes God. Anything
that goes against God that is disobedient and a lie is Satan’s doctrine. The
opposite of what God has commanded is Satan’s doctrine. Satan wants us to
shake hands because it oppresses the decree to holy kiss. It is rebellious. To
move against a decree. Shaking hands in the church very well is a creation
of Satan.