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P. 202
The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive:
He is inside them, also. Whoever wants Him to be the Lord of their life
must seek and call upon Him! He will manifest, 1 Corinthians 3:16. To the
fatherless, He is a Father that is always there alive in the Spirit.
The Words in the Holy Bible are the Holy Spirit, and the same Words
are Christ Jesus- He is the Word, John 1:1. By reading the bible the Words
speak to us, so we become educated by God. Occupied with the Holy
Spirit- the Son of God. Read, study, and learn scriptures and verses. The
Lord will judge you fairly because He is always with you every step of the
path. He sees everything we do and think. The Holy Spirit is our comforter,
our help, and our Advocate.
B a p t i s m
There are certain steps to salvation. We must repent and confess our sins,
Romans 10:9. The baptism is the washing away of sins. It is a symbolical
death, burial and resurrection. Immersed in water is an allegorical death.
When we emerge from the water, it is the symbolic resurrection. Water
faithfully atone for sins water symbolically washes sins away, our sin debts
paid. It is allegorically alike the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ
The Lord has forgiven us through these acts of faith. After coming out
of the water, we are starting over, as born again- like a baby, John 3. The
process of baptism is allegorically like Christ Jesus death, the
entombment, and resurrection. Firstly, we submerged in water; it is the
death, cleansing, and burial of old sinful life. Secondly, while immersed,
quickly, it is an allegorical burial. Christ Jesus was deceased three days
before He rose from the dead. Thirdly, Re-emerge, coming out the water
is like rising from the dead. Ultimately, Christ Jesus ascended to
heaven and sat at the right hand of God. Allegorically, after baptism, we
start a new life by church attendance. We meet in an allegorical heavenly
place, church, Hebrews 8:1.