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P. 83
The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive:
I felt a difference in the atmosphere. There was peace in her presence, a
heavenly cloud like feeling. I knew who she was when I saw her. She looked
like a famous pop star. “She holds the key to the city,” said the Holy Spirit.
Obviously, that saying was a clue, to whom she was therefore, she holds
the key to Los Angeles! Celebrities receive keys to the city. Not sure for the
woman celebrity whom she looked like. If the boy were going to harm me,
it would make sense that the guardian angel appeared. After she vanished,
I turned to ask the boy, did he see her, but had vanished. I am not sure if
she took him with her to heaven or he just vanished, according to the bible,
there will be two and only one taken, Luke 17:36. Just because I thought
he was bad and looking to do me harm does not mean he was.
S u m m a r y
During the thirty-day fast era, I experienced many unnatural and heavenly
visitations. I believe the thirty- days fast had everything to do with this
I saw the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus, apparition. This sighting occurred
in the late eighties. It was around the time others were experiencing out
of body phenomenon. However, I recently learned of others seeing the
Virgin Mary mostly children. I was about eighteen and a half years old
when I saw her.
In modern times, I notice the importance of the Catholic Church. They
have giant statutes of the Virgin Mary. At the time of this encounter, I did
not know people worshipped the Mother of our Lord and Saviour.
Blessed is her womb, for she is highly favoured!
I heard of various unexplainable encounters in that era on television
interviews. Reports of sightings, abductions by unidentified flying objects:
hearing voices et cetera.