Page 142 - Christ Jesus is Alive
P. 142
Little Fire
Exodus: 3:2,
2 And the angel of the LORD appeared unto him in a flame of fire out of
the midst of a bush: and he looked, and, behold, the bush burned with fire, and
the bush was not consumed.
I was in church when a spiritual fire appeared in the Center of my chest.
I experienced and felt it without my eyes; shaped like the pilot in a gas
stove, like an upside-down teardrop. “Although you are a small fire, you
can grow into a consuming fire,” the Holy Spirit said.
S u m m a r y
I consider this experience a visitation from heaven. I was anticipating
another experience since the Holy Spirit saved me. The fire, which appeared
in me, reminds that the Holy Spirit dwells within humankind. I continued
to attend that church because of that experience. Although considered a
small flame, I continued to grow in wisdom and knowledge.