Page 148 - Christ Jesus is Alive
P. 148

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive:

            I understood to see the constellation; I must look around the perimeter.
         Eventually,  I  saw  the  angel  singing.  She  reminded  me  of  my  deceased
         grandmother or of a goddess.
            Peculiarly,  while  singing  her  mouth  was  barely  moving,  like  a

         ventriloquist. Nevertheless, she was singing. This dream was a blessing. I
         wished I could have remembered the lyrics to the song, though.
            I believe my grandmother is watching over me from heaven.

                                      S u m m a r y

         In heaven, they hear and sing heavenly songs that the world has not heard,

         Revelation  5:9.  There  are  also,  heavenly  songs  and  the  greatest  singers.
         When I was younger, I never could see the constellation in the sky, like
         others. I often felt sad and left out; I also thought it was a prank, that
         those  constellation  characters  did  not actually  exist.  Nevertheless,  I  had
         this dream, I saw a heavenly Host in the constellation. I learned that the

         other stellar characters: such as Orion, Ursa Minor or the Little Dipper and
         more exist, as well.
            Heaven  full  of  mysteries.  This  dream  gives  me  something  to  look

         forward to and to hope.
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