Page 148 - Christ Jesus is Alive
P. 148
The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive:
I understood to see the constellation; I must look around the perimeter.
Eventually, I saw the angel singing. She reminded me of my deceased
grandmother or of a goddess.
Peculiarly, while singing her mouth was barely moving, like a
ventriloquist. Nevertheless, she was singing. This dream was a blessing. I
wished I could have remembered the lyrics to the song, though.
I believe my grandmother is watching over me from heaven.
S u m m a r y
In heaven, they hear and sing heavenly songs that the world has not heard,
Revelation 5:9. There are also, heavenly songs and the greatest singers.
When I was younger, I never could see the constellation in the sky, like
others. I often felt sad and left out; I also thought it was a prank, that
those constellation characters did not actually exist. Nevertheless, I had
this dream, I saw a heavenly Host in the constellation. I learned that the
other stellar characters: such as Orion, Ursa Minor or the Little Dipper and
more exist, as well.
Heaven full of mysteries. This dream gives me something to look
forward to and to hope.