Page 159 - Christ Jesus is Alive
P. 159
The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive:
things. When I went to shop in her store, I saw familiar items. All of them
were from donations for the homeless. She looked at me wickedly, had I
gotten any donations, she would have confronted me.
S u m m a r y
I live amongst the homeless. I was once homeless for three years. Although,
I am not homeless, anymore. I still live in the homeless community.
Nevertheless, I understand the struggles. I have given brand new shoes
and slightly used shoes. They like new stuff. The new stuff they could
sell for drugs. However, when churches or Good Samaritans come to
this community and give clothing, I get some, also. Sometimes they give
clothes with tags on them, clothing, and shoes that I cannot afford. Like
the things in my dream.
T h e y K n o w
The homeless people know the donations are for them. The only items I
see on the streets are dirty clothes they take off for clean donated clothing.
Some sell items to support addictions. Sometimes they rush, run and fight
for the donations, especially at Christmas time.
T h e C o m m u n i t y
This dream was a prophecy. The community in my dream is like the skid
row community. I love this community because I never saw that many
people of my ethnicity at once since High school.
The majority of the destitute and homeless are lost, especially without
a God to lead them. I was also homeless and lost wandering in this same
community in outer darkness.