Page 193 - Christ Jesus is Alive
P. 193

The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive:

                                       O n  S a l v a t i o n

            To gain salvation, a sinner must repent from sin. The sinner must be aware,
            acknowledge, and agree with their sins. They can read the scriptures that all

            humankind are sinners, Romans 3:23. The repentant may not practice sin,
            but may have the propensity to commit sinful acts. Through repentance,
            the Lord will forgive and remove sins far away, Psalms 103:11-14.

               Redemption is a tedious operation. In that, we do not walk over each
            other. The progress of spiritual transformation is always slow. We are to
            have patience, long suffering, Galatians 5:22-23. We transform from the
            old man a sinner to become the new man sinless, transforming more like
            the Lord, 1 John 3:2. It means becoming wiser and more knowledgeable.

                              S p i r i t u a l  G i f t s  a n d  C a l l i n g s

            The Lord has spiritual gifts and important calling for all, 1 Corinthians 12;
            Ephesians 4:1-16. I have the gift of discernment; everyone seems to have
            this gift. The gift of love, etiquettes, and good manners. My vocation is
            Clergy person. I however do not know the duties of the Clergy.

               I had an experience as an usher and asked to usher, I was not ready,
            and so I declined. My gifts may be different from others. All may do the
            evangelizing  work  of  the  Great  Commission,  Matthew  28:  16-20.  The
            most popular church duties are preacher, teachers, and pastors just to name

            the few, Ephesians 4:11. The choir and usher are wonderful callings. The
            scriptures do not name all Christian vocations.

                                    H e a v e n l y  R e w a r d

            To enter heaven, we must be obedient and trusting like children, John 3:3-
            8. We must be allegorically born again through the water baptism and filled

            with the Holy Spirit. I have experienced heaven in dreams and visions. I long
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