Page 201 - Christ Jesus is Alive
P. 201
The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive:
stigmata. I discovered it took me almost three months to summon up
enough courage to go to a different church between churches. Christ
arose on the third day, as well, 1 Corinthians 15:4. What happened to me
was just the bitter cup I allegorically had to drink in my life, my share of
anguish by the hands of bitter people, Mark 14:36. We all should have
our share of woe, trials, and tribulations. I have experienced something
evil from strangers. We can abide by His example and pledge the same
cup of torment as Him, for greater faithful blessings, Mark 10: 35- 39;
John 18:11. May your personal church experience bring you much
happiness and delight, in Jesus name! Faith and peace be with you,
Romans 4:17.
U n d e r s t a n d i n g o f S a l v a t i o n F a i t h
Faith comes hearing and knowing the Word of God. Christ Jesus is also
the Word. He is the Living Bible and it purpose is His existence. I
was better acquainted with church attendance and reading the bible. My
first experience with Christ Jesus was not from church, but I
encountered Him through my faithful grandmother when I was a
toddler or Pre-kindergartener.
Faith is perfect; it grows, but slowly. Faith is just like a seed it needs
symbolic water. Faith germinates, sprouts, and grows large. Reading the
Word of God daily is symbolical water, Mark 4:30-32. Faith is to consider
an invisible God exists without seeing Him, it is a hope and trust, Hebrews
11:6. Faith is putting unconditional trust in God and His Word. Believing
that He is with you although you do not see Him, John 20:29. Faith knows
He is watching over you and taking care of your every need and not every
T w o T y p e s o f F a i t h
There are two main faiths, mature and babe faith. In my babe faith, I
hoped there was a God. I never read the bible for me. I was waiting like