Page 89 - Christ Jesus is Alive
P. 89
The Holy Spirit Is Christ Jesus Alive:
God revealed, to me, a mystery. I had to be patient; I owed her time in
my church; the same quantity of time I was in her church. I paid tithes;
perhaps, I got my tithes back from her. I truly would not want the tithes
back. I like to believe we have treasures awaiting in heaven but by paying
tithes, Matthew 6:19- 20.
In this dream, I learned a valuable lesson in standing still and being
patient. An example of how the Holy Spirit fights battles and gets revenge.
I could never think of a cleverer vengeance. He is mighty in battle. His
judgment was genius and cleaver. His wisdom is so deep. Patience, a sweet
ripe righteous fruit of the spirit. When I think, I know everything about
God, He surprises me. His love is infinite, and His wisdom is infallible. I
will never be as wise as He is.
When I had obeyed God’s Holy Spirit, not to escort her out. First, I
assumed He wanted me to forgive her. I trusted Him, first. After He told
me to set her out, I realized His solution. We must faithfully trust and obey
Him first, and then He will tell us why later.
Through this dream, I deeply understand the importance of patience
and obeying the Lord. His timing is perfect, and His punishment is just.
Always be quick to “… Stand still and see the salvation of the Lord… “2
Chronicles 20:17. This was a learning dream.