Page 4 - The 10 most Promising Artificial Intelligence Startups 2019
P. 4


                                                                             rtificial intelligence is poised to
                                                                             unleash the next wave of digital
                                                                     Adisruption, and companies should
                                                                     prepare for it now. We already see real-
                                                                     life benefits for a few early adopting
                                                                     firms, making it more urgent than ever
                                                                     for others to accelerate their digital
                                                                     transformations. Our findings focus on
                                                                     five AI technology systems: robotics and
                                                                     autonomous vehicles, computer vision,
                                                                     language, virtual agents, and machine
                                                                     learning, which includes deep learning and
                                                                     underpins many recent advances in the
                                                                     other AI technologies.

                                                                     AI’s dependence on a digital foundation
                                                                     and the fact that it often must be trained
                                                                     on unique data mean that there are no
                                                                     shortcuts for firms. Companies cannot
                                                                     delay advancing their digital journeys,
                                                                     including AI. Early adopters are already
                                                                     creating competitive advantages, and the
                                                                     gap with the laggards looks set to grow.
                                                                     A successful program requires firms
                                                                     to address many elements of a digital
                                                                     and analytics transformation: identify
         Artificial                                                  the business case, set up the right data

                                                                     ecosystem, build or buy appropriate AI
         Intelligence:                                               tools, and adapt workflow processes,
                                                                     capabilities, and culture. In particular, our

         The Next Digital                                            survey shows that leadership from the top,
                                                                     management and technical capabilities,
                                                                     and seamless data access are key enablers.
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