Page 17 - Tower One Brochure
P. 17


      At Tower One, we're committed to transforming buildings. We believe that every person deserves a

      better, more sustainable life. Tower One incorporates elements that will help lower operating costs
      while increasing productivity.

     Tenants can feel good about our energy         Sign up to receive a weekly share of Jersey   Broad Management recognizes
     e icient management systems in place at        fresh produce and farm goods, or opt for a   that recycling can benefit you

     Tower One. Electric car charging stations are   half share of the highest quality fruits or   and the environment. Tower
     available for your use on the level P-4 of the   vegetables throughout the growing          One is proud to be a part of Cell
     parking structure. Please be sure to remove    season. Delivery will be available directly   Phones For Soldiers by serving
     your car when fully charged.                   to Tower One on a weekly basis from June     our veterans while giving back

                                                    until November.                              to the environment.
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