Page 2 - Beam Team Catalog (2018)
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Fast Execution Proven Results
• We work hard and work smart. • We execute what is expected of us on the rst pass.
• We walk into the stores prepared and ready to go. • We aren’t nished until we are proud of the nished product.
• We understand all training, scope materials, and we arrive • We are clean, organized, and we are respectful to our customers.
on time with the right tools and materials.
“Every job is a self-portrait of the person who did it.
Autograph your work with excellence.”
Our Organizational Core Principles
Always a Shows Takes Customer
Team Player Creativity Ownership Is Proactive Focused Honorable
Always a Team Player Is Proactive
• Builds positive relationships with co-workers to solve problems • Seeks out challenges and improvement opportunities.
together as a team. • Puts in the additional time and e ort up front to control the outcome
• Always contributes in a positive manner regardless of their role on rather than waiting to react to the unintended consequences.
the team. • Evaluates a problem and understands what preventative measures
• Viewed as someone that co-workers want to be on their team. could have taken place to avoid the unintended consequence.
• Prioritizes the common team goals above personal goals. • Builds sustainable preventative practices and provides ongoing
• Considerate of how their actions a ect others on the team. support and motivation to maintain e orts.
• Communicates respectfully • Does not reprioritize preventative (proactive) measures to complete
corrective actions (reactive).
Shows Creativity
• Thinks outside the box and uses thoughtful judgement to develop Customer Focused
new ideas and methods to improve the business. • Understands who their customers are based on their role.
• Shows respect for opinions of others and is welcoming to thoughts • Fully understands customer's needs and how to satisfy them.
and ideas from others. • Adapts communication and style to speci c target audiences.
• Puts in the e ort to research and understand the root of a problem • Shows the highest level of care and urgency when a customer is
carefully when building hypotheses and solutions. dissatis ed.
• Expands knowledge and ideas by learning and collaborating with
others outside of the company. Honorable
• Shows courage and self con dence when exploring ideas that might • Demonstrates openness, honesty, and behaves in a consistent manner.
not be popular. • Shares thoughts, feelings, and rationale so that others understand
his/her positions.
Takes Ownership • Listens to others and objectively considers other’s ideas and opinions
• Has established trust from co-workers that they will always deliver • Creates a non-threatening and welcoming persona that is inviting to
on their commitments. share ideas, opinions, and feedback.
• Sets clear and reasonable expectations for themselves and others. • Is always respectful to others.
• Takes responsibility for mistakes and is committed to corrections.
• Admits when they are unquali ed or unable to answer a question,
solve a problem, or complete a task.