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                               BALANCE SHEET AS AT 31ST MARCH 2019                                    ( ` in lakhs)

          Particulars                                                           Note     As at 31st   As at 31st
                                                                                No.     March, 201 9 March, 201 8
         1 Non-Current Assets
           a) Property,Plant and Equipment                                        3        4,332.96      3,987.61
           b) Capital Work-in-Progress                                           3         1,060.23        89.23
           c) Other Intangible Assets                                            3             4.95         7.08
            ) d Financial Assets
             i) Investments                                                      4            25.08         6.00
             ii) Loans                                                           5           450.71       405.05
           e) Other Non-Current Assets                                           6         1,109.33       986.41
             Total Non-Current Assets                                                      6,983.26     5,481.37
         2 Current Asset s
           a) Inventories                                                        7         5,667.28      5,829.61
           b) Financial Assets
             i) Trade Receivables                                                8         7,669.31      4,399.60
             ii) Cash and cash equivalents                                       9         1,012.11       479.25
             iii) Bank Balances other than (ii) mentioned above                  10          295.12       251.76
             iv) Loans                                                           11           26.18         7.82
             v) Other Financial Assets                                           12          345.95       310.04
           c) Other Current Assets                                               13        2,363.25      1,748.92
           Total Current Assets                                                           17,379.20    13,027.00
           TOTAL ASSETS                                                                   24,362.46    18,508.37
         1 Equity
           a) Equity Share Capital                                               14        1,100.40      1,100.40
           b) Other Equity                                                       15        7,703.97      6,203.75
           Total Equity                                                                    8,804.37     7,304.15
         2 Non-Current Liabilities
           a) Financial Liabilities
             i) Borrowings                                                       16        2,083.28      1,360.05
           b) Provisions                                                         17           41.46        37.23
           c) Deferred Tax Liabilities (Net)                                    18 B         684.32       617.31
           Total Non-Current Liabilities                                                   2,809.06     2,014.59
         3 Current Liabilities
           a) Financial Liabilities
             i) Borrowings                                                       19        4,332.41      3,096.61
             ii) Trade Payables                                                  20
                - Due to micro,small and medium enterprises                                  270.30            -
                - Due to creditors other than micro,small and medium enterprises           6,967.03      5,470.85
             iii) Other Financial Liabilities                                    21          461.48       132.74
           b) Provisions                                                        22 A          14.19        49.20
           c) Current Tax Liabilities (net)                                     22 B         150.70        61.15
           d) Other Current Liabilities                                          23          552.92       379.08
           Total Current Liabilities                                                      12,749.03     9,189.63

           TOTAL EQUITY AND LIABILITIES                                                   24,362.46    18,508.37

           The accompanying Notes form an Integral Part of the Standalone Financial Statements. 1 to 44
        In terms of our report of even date attached      For and on behalf of the Board of Directors
        For B D G & Associates                            Hemant Kumar Ruia                      Yashvardhan Ruia
        Chartered Accountants                             Chairman & Managing Director           Executive Director
        Firm Registration No.:119739W
                                                          Din No.00029410                        Din No.00364888
        Rameshkumar L.Sharma
        Partner                                           Ajay Puranik
        Membership No- 047896                             President Legal & Company Secretary

        Date : 27th May,2019                              Pramod Sharma
        Place : Mumbai                                    Chief Financial Officer
                                                                                              BALANCE SHEET
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