Page 8 - Refrigeratedsales Ireland product brochure
P. 8


                        calculations                                         alarms & alerts                                          data logger
                  Internal width allows you to                          Alarms and alerts to notify you                         Track the temperature within
                 introduce stock picking and the                         of any temperature or power                           the unit as a safe guard to your
                  capability for stock rotation.                         failure installed as standard.                              product integrity.

                       OLQNHG RSWLRQ                                         QRQ VOLS IORRUV                                         PP LQVXODWLRQ
                 /LQNLQJ RXU XQLWV WR DQ H[LVWLQJ                       +LJK JULW FRYHUHG IORRUV HQVXUH                         6WDQGDUG LQVXODWLRQ LQ DOO RXU
                    IDFLOLW\ FDQ KHOS LPSURYH                            WKDW DQ\ VWDII ZRUNLQJ LQ WKH                          XQLWV WR UHGXFH XQQHFHVVDU\
                         SURFHVV IORZ                                          XQLW DUH VDIH                                    KHDW ORVV WKURXJK WKH ZDOOV
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