Page 4 - THE DARE MATRIX Contents and Action Guide_Classical
P. 4

Brian Tracy in The New Psychology of

        Achievement elaborates the theme of
        this episode with our opening quote,
        “What one thing would you do if you
        knew you could not fail?”

        Denis Waitley states the fact that our currently dominant thoughts help fulfill that quote
        in The Psychology of Winning.
        Joe Vitale in The Missing Secret offers advice on how to state your intentions.
            Don’t stop because of risks according to Earl Nightingale from Success in America
            Roger Dawson in Secrets of Power Performance explains how he was amazed at
        the diversity of successful people in America when he first arrived from England.

            What one skill can you master? That’s a question that Brian Tracy asks as we
        continue to hear what he has taught in The New Psychology of Achievement.
            Can you run a marathon? Why not? Wayne Dyer started with just a few yards a day
        until he built up the endurance to run the New York Marathon. He told the story in How
        To Be a No Limit Person.
            More on definiteness of purpose with Napoleon Hill from Think and Grow Rich.
            Earl Nightingale explained how divine discontent is a great motivator in Lead the
            Zig Ziglar focused on goals in See You at the Top when he said, “You can’t be a

        wondering generality, you have to be specific.”
            One of the great lesson Earl Nightingale shared on his radio program, Our
        Changing World, is to write your specific goal on card as a daily reminder.
            Your desire can manifest reality for you as you learn more about the Law of
        Attraction from Joe Vitale in The Missing Secret.

          What may happen if you set a goal to be a millionaire? Jim Rohn answered
                                  that in The Art of Exceptional Living.
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