Page 3 - THE DARE MATRIX Contents and Action Guide_Classical
P. 3

Les Brown in The Power of Purpose suggests that finding your purpose can
            save your life.
                Earl Nightingale presents the importance of setting goals once you have
            discovered your purpose in Lead the Field.
                Jim Rohn explains the way to find the reasons for success in The Art of

            Exceptional Living

             Andrew Carnegie, Warren Buffet, and Bill Gates have one thing in common that
                   serves as a great lesson for finding purpose. Napoleon Hill shared some of
                   Andrew Carnegie’s best secrets in Think and Grow Rich.
             His best seller, The Laws of Success, first revealed 17 proven principles.
                    1.    Positive Mental Attitude
                    2.    Definiteness of Purpose
                    3.    Go the Extra Mile

                    4.    Accurate Thinking
                    5.    Self Discipline
                    6.    Mastermind Alliance
                    7.    Applied Faith
                    8.    Pleasing Personality
                    9.    Personal Initiative
                    10. Enthusiasm
                    11. Controlled Attention
                    12. Teamwork
                    13. Learning from Defeat
                    14. Vision
                    15. Budgeting Time and Money

                    16. Health
                    17. Habit, the Universal Law
             Napoleon Hill joined forces with W. Clement Stone to write more on these topics
                   in Success Through a Positive Mental Attitude. One of the famous quotes
                   has motivated masses, “Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, it
                   can achieve.”
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