Page 10 - Team Dynamics - Proof
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Two Time Porsche Carrera Cup
Champion takes BTCC by Storm
any things happen in motorsport Like Matt, Gordon was a three times
and indeed BTCC that can leave BTCC champion and had a whole host of
Myou astounded. It has to be said experience which only brought success
that the deal to enlist Dan Cammish was and silver to the team.
certainly one of them for some very good
reasons. But then, early in 2018, an
announcement was made that his
The parting of Gordon Shedden from replacement would be two times Porche
Team Dynamics for the international Carrera Cup Champion, Dan Cammish.
scene was felt throughout the entire
team. Although he was given the utmost Any visitor to a BTCC event will know
best wishes and success in the World that the Porche races are just on another
BTCC, questions hung over the team wavelength. You know, we visited the
about who on earth could fill his shoes. Oulton Park round and I could swear that
every driver on the circuit were actually
Lemmings with helmets on. They were
absolutely crazy but oh, so skillful.
But the big question still remained, could
Dan take on the challenge of BTCC.
That question was answered within the
first 30 minutes of qualifying in the 2018
season. Dan took pole with an absolute
corker of a lap with a big neon sign
above the car saying “Oi, BTCC world,
Dan’s here!!).
Unfortunately, he passed a red light on
the way in to the pits and the lap was
removed from him. Even so, he still
managed to get on the second row for
the start of the race. Not only that, he
took his first Silverware in the next
meeting by coming 2nd in the first race
at Donnington. Ok, he was a rookie by
BTCC track time but in a very short
space of time, he earnt a bag of respect.
He was fast, very fast and was single
minded in what he wanted. The title.
By the end of the season, he had won
the Jack Sears Trophy, won twice, had
taken pole, had qualified superbly
throughout the season and finished 10th
overall. So I pose the question again,
was Dan the right man to replace Gordon
Sheddon. I think many now say “Gordon
who?” (No offence meant, Flash). The
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