Page 2 - Have Faith
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        When we started our veterans magazine, The Sandbag
        Times, it was always my wish to give a little inspiration
        to veterans through faith, personal experiences and
        just random thoughts.  I was very surprised and
        extremely  encouraged  to  see  it  grow  into  the
        great piece it became.  Although ‘Have Faith’ in
        the SBT was not written by me, it became an ob-
        session to the point that I decided to open up my
        own page on social media called ‘Faith in Veter-
        ans’.  The reflections have rapidly become a daily
        feature in my life to the point where I have decided
        to put them all together into book form.  So here it is.
        Have Faith is nothing more than my daily ramblings with
        a little bit of spiritual guidance.  I  would like to mention that I
        am by no means, a regular church goer, any form of minister or pastor, nor do I class
        myself as religious but a lot of my lessons in life have come directly from the bible.  It
        serves me as a good solid guide to life and a great way of understanding right from
        wrong.  It may not be your thing and that is finebut I do hope you can get some form of
        peace from the thing I write.  Whether you are military, veteran or civilian you are all
        very welcome to this booklet and I wish you love, peace and grace in all that you do.

        Copyright © 2017 Have Faith in association with The Sandbag Times.  All rights reserved. This
        book or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner whatsoever without the
        express written permission of the publisher

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