Page 254 - Quicksilver Accesories Guide 2019
P. 254


             SIDE POCKET ANODE                                   FUEL FILTER ELEMENT
                  826134Q                                           35-8M0122423
             Aluminum                                            Under cowl replacement cartridge where applicable.
             Located in side pockets on the gearhousing just above the cavitation plate.
                  826134T 3                                      FOURSTROKE OUTBOARD OIL FILTER
             Magnesium ‑ For freshwater use only. Do not use in saltwater applications.  35-877769Q01                 OUTBOARD MAINTENANCE
             Located in side pockets on the gearhousing just above the cavitation plate.  Replaceable screw‑on type canister filter. Replaces the production 883701_ series
                                                                 oil filter.
             FUEL FILTER
                35-879885Q                                       AIR FILTER
             In‑line, under cowl fuel filter.                       35-893318T02
             FUEL FILTER ELEMENT                                 COMPLETE WATER PUMP
                35-8M0122423                                          817275A09
             Under cowl replacement cartridge where applicable.  Includes both upper and lower housings, gaskets, seals, key, Oil‑carrier, retaining
                                                                 ring, plate, and impeller.
             FOURSTROKE OUTBOARD OIL FILTER                           8M0078858
                35-877767Q01                                     Includes water impeller, upper and lower housings, face plate, gaskets, drive key,
             Replaceable screw‑on type canister filter. Replaces the production 896546_ series  face seal and water tube coupling.
             oil filter.
                                                                 WATER PUMP IMPELLER
             AIR FILTER                                             47- 43026T 2
                                                                 SPARK PLUG
             COMPLETE WATER PUMP                                    33-889246Q39
                  817275A09                                      NGK, ILFR6GE, check and set gap per owner's manual or the emissions control
             Includes both upper and lower housings, gaskets, seals, key, Oil‑carrier, retaining  information decal if present.
             ring, plate, and impeller.
                                                                 THERMOSTAT ASSEMBLY
             WATER PUMP IMPELLER                                      892864T04
                47- 43026T 2                                     Includes thermostat and housing.
             SPARK PLUG                                          ALTERNATOR BELT
                33-889246Q39                                        57-880566Q14
             NGK, ILFR6GE, check and set gap per owner's manual or the emissions control  6 cylinder Verado
             information decal if present.
             THERMOSTAT ASSEMBLY                                 200-300 (6 CYL) VERADO 2B144123 AND ABOVE
                  892864T04                                      (GEN V)
             Includes thermostat and housing.
             ALTERNATOR BELT                                     ANODIC PLATE
                57-880566Q14                                           76214T 5
             6 cylinder Verado                                   Aluminum
                                                                 Provides additional clearance for high rake propellers.
                                                                       76214A 6
             200-300 (6 CYL) VERADO 1B390143 AND ABOVE           Magnesium ‑ For freshwater use only. Do not use in saltwater applications.
             (PRIOR TO GEN V)
                                                                 POWER TRIM ANODE
             ANODIC PLATE                                             880653
                   76214Q 5                                      Aluminum, Power Trim
             Aluminum                                                 893404
             Provides additional clearance for high rake propellers.  Multiple pieces may be required per engine application.
                   76214A 6                                      SIDE POCKET ANODE
             Magnesium ‑ For freshwater use only. Do not use in saltwater applications.  826134T
             POWER TRIM ANODE                                    Aluminum
                  880653                                         Located in side pockets on the gearhousing just above the cavitation plate.
             Aluminum, Power Trim                                     826134T 3
                  893404                                         Magnesium ‑ For freshwater use only. Do not use in saltwater applications.
                                                                 Located in side pockets on the gearhousing just above the cavitation plate.
             Multiple pieces may be required per engine application.
                                                                 FUEL FILTER SCREEN
             SIDE POCKET ANODE                                      35-8M0090809
                  826134Q                                        In‑line, under cowl fuel filter
             Located in side pockets on the gearhousing just above the cavitation plate.  FUEL FILTER
                  826134T 3                                         35-879885Q
             Magnesium ‑ For freshwater use only. Do not use in saltwater applications.  In‑line, under cowl fuel filter.
             Located in side pockets on the gearhousing just above the cavitation plate.
                                                                 FUEL FILTER SCREEN
             FUEL FILTER                                            35-8M0090809
                35-879885Q                                       In‑line, under cowl fuel filter
             In‑line, under cowl fuel filter.

             Not all parts listed are available for the European, C.I.S., Africa and Middle East Markets.   247
             For more information, please contact your local Mercury, Mariner, MerCruiser or
             Quicksilver Office.
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