Page 46 - Jinou Charger Catalogue
P. 46
1. Bluetooth stereo speaker & 2. QI wireless charging + phone holder 3. 4 port USB Hub
speaker-phone function Don’t struggle with a mess of wires to charge With 4.8A capacity and USB-C
2 x 3.5W speaker with volume controls. your phone. Place your Qi wireless compatible compatibility providing a plethora of
A built-in microphone for hands-free calls and device on LYNQ and watch it charge. connections to laptops or desktops
noise-cancelling technology. through just one port, allowing easy
charging and data transfers.
4. Pen/stylus holder 5. Volume & Music controls 6. Cable organizer
whether you do a lot of sketching, writing Located conveniently on the top of LYNQ Most people have several devices using
or just make a lot of notes, we think your are buttons that let you control the volume cables on their desk. LYNQ has cable
favorite styluses, pencils and pens deserve a of your audio and pair with any Bluetooth grooves located under the device to
place on the LYNQ - exactly 3 places enabled device. organize your cables.