Page 7 - MIN ECEM 4 MARCH 2017
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                                                                                                           LOCAL Saturday 4 March 2017

                        Tripadvisor Names Aruba Beach Top 3 In The World

            EAGLE BEACH - TripAdvisor,  perfect locale for travelers
            the  global  travel  planning  to enjoy the gentle currents
            and booking site, today an-  of the turquoise waters.
            nounced the top beaches  “Aruba  is  beloved  for
            in  the  world,  presenting  friendly  locals,  year-round
            Aruba with three profound  sunshine, authentic culture
            tourism accolades – further  inspired  by  90+  on-island
            endorsing  the  destination  nationalities and adventur-
            for  its  unparalleled  coast-  ous  activities  across  the  is-
            lines.                       land’s diverse terrain — but
            Aruba’s    famous    Eagle  beautiful  beaches  contin-
            Beach ranked No. 2 in the  ue to be among the most
            Caribbean and No. 3 in the  world-famous  features  of
            World  in  the  annual  rank-  our  One  happy  island,”
            ings  revealed  this  week.  said  Ronella  Tjin  Asjoe-
            A  treasured  shore,  Eagle  Croes, CEO of Aruba Tour-
            Beach  boasts  the  widest  ism Authority (ATA). “As the
            beach in Aruba and is one  No.  2  most  tourism-reliant
            of the most breathtaking –  nation in the world, Aruba’s
            showcasing clear, sparkling  popularity continues to be
            Caribbean  waters,  pow-     inspired  and  impacted  by
            dery  white  sands  and  two  these types of international
            of  the  island’s  renowned  honors.”
            signature fofoti trees.      Determined  by  millions  of
            Locals’   favorite   Arashi  traveler reviews and ratings
            Beach  achieved  a  top  20  for  beaches  gathered  by
            Caribbean      placement,  TripAdvisor,  these  awards
            celebrated for its enchant-  are a testament of a dedi-
            ing  snorkeling  and  abun-  cated travel community in
            dant  sea  life.  Showcasing  search  of  unique  experi-
            a  picturesque  lunar  land-  ences  and  unforgettable
            scape, Arashi Beach is the  getaways.q
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