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LOCALTuesday 16 May 2017
Cruise Line Executives to Assemble in Aruba for FCCA Meeting
tunity to increase business, FCCA’s 19 Member Lines
and Aruba is pulling out and 150 esteemed FCCA
all the stops to display its Platinum Members, the
products, advancements conference will touch on
and happiness to the influ- a variety of topics within
ential audience.” the industry during business
Welcoming more than 30 sessions monitoring the
senior executives from the cruise sector, along with
ORANJESTAD - Prominent One happy island is thrilled fluence the experience of
cruise industry leaders to host the innovators and all visiting cruise guests.”
and executives will meet key decision makers of the “We could not be prouder
in Aruba next year, as the cruise industry,” said Ronel- to work with Aruba for this
Aruba Tourism Authority la Tijn Asjoe-Croes, CEO of important event,” said Mi-
hosts the 2017 Platinum As- the Aruba Tourism Author- chele Paige, President of
sociate Membership Advi- ity. “We look forward to the FCCA. “Joining high-
sory Council Conference showcasing the changes level cruise executives and
of the Florida-Caribbean Aruba has undergone over prominent cruise tourism
Cruise Association (FCCA) the past few years and how stakeholders, it will offer all
on June 14-16, 2017. “Our these changes positively in- attendees a unique oppor-
one-on-one meetings be-
tween the members and
executives and network-
ing events in the evenings.
Plus, the event will work
hand-in-hand with FCCA’s
charitable arm, the FCCA
Foundation, by donating
to a local charity that will
be chosen by Aruba’s au-
From diverse activities and
historical attractions to
flavorful cuisine and cap-
tivating beaches, Aruba
Tourism Authority plans to
incorporate a taste of on-
island culture into the con-
ference program, creat-
ing an authentic Aruban
experience for the execu-
tives, members and guests.
Aruba’s cruise sector has
experienced proportion-
ate growth in line with over-
all tourism performance. In
June 2016, the cruise tour-
ism welcomed 25,452 pas-
sengers, a 14.4 percent
increase from June 2015,
and is expected to have
a strong year with over 5%
growth as compared to