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Etnia Nativa

                                                                                       June 4, 2019

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                                                                                                                                           Page 13
                 Aruba’s ONLY English newspaper ruba’s ONLY English newspaper
            Congress finally sends $19B disaster aid bill to Trump

            By ANDREW TAYLOR             areas  hit  by  hurricanes,
            Associated Press             floods, tornadoes and fires.
            WASHINGTON  (AP)  —  A  Fifty-eight Republicans vot-
            long-delayed    $19.1   bil-  ed "no," including many of
            lion  disaster  aid  bill  sailed  the  party's  most  conserva-
            through the House on Mon-    tive members.
            day  and  headed  to  Presi-  Trump  hailed  passage  of
            dent  Donald  Trump  for  his  the bill, tweeting, “Farmers,
            expected  signature,  over-  Puerto Rico and all will be
            coming  months  of  infight-  very happy.” The president
            ing,  misjudgment  and  a  also  suggested,  incorrect-
            feud  between  Trump  and  ly,  that  the  bill  would  now
            congressional Democrats.     see  action  in  the  Senate.
            Lawmakers      gave    the  That chamber had already
            measure    final   congres-  passed the bill by a sweep-
            sional  approval  by  354-58  ing 85-8 vote on its way out
            in  the  House's  first  signifi-  of  Washington  May  23,  a
            cant  action  after  return-  margin  that  reflected  a
            ing  from  a  10-day  recess.  consensus  that  the  bill  is
            It  was  backed  by  all  222  long overdue.
            voting Democrats and 132
            Republicans,  including  the         Continued on Page 3
            GOP's  top  leaders  and                                  Water from the Mississippi River floods Leonor K. Sullivan Boulevard, Saturday, June 1, 2019, in St.
            many of its legislators from                              Louis. The Mississippi River is expected to rise several more feet by midweek.
                                                                                                                                            Associated Press
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