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U.S. NEWS Wednesday 24 april 2019
Planned Parenthood: States should oppose Trump ‘gag rule’
By BRIAN WITTE the first state to pass a mea-
Associated Press sure that would end par-
ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — It’s ticipation in the program if
time for states with lead- the rule takes effect. Mary-
ers who support abortion land’s legislature is con-
rights to go on the offen- trolled by Democrats, and
sive against Trump admin- the bill now goes to Repub-
istration attempts to restrict lican Gov. Larry Hogan. A
abortion that would reduce Hogan spokesman says the
access to health care, the governor will review the bill
president of Planned Par- when it officially reaches his
enthood said Tuesday. desk. A Maryland law from
“States are a critical back- 2017 would provide state
stop at a time when we funds for family planning.
have the Trump-Pence The Democrat-controlled
administration stripping Massachusetts House and
away women’s health and Senate this month also ap-
rights and when we cannot proved state money to off-
depend on the Supreme set the potential loss of fed-
Court,” said Dr. Leana Wen. eral funding due to the rule
She spoke in an interview change, a measure signed
ahead of a keynote speech by Republican Gov. Char-
she’s scheduled to give in lie Baker. In this Aug. 14, 2012 file photo, Dr. Leana Wen stands in the emergency department at Brigham
Baltimore this week about Meanwhile, Republican- and Women’s Hospital in Boston, during her medical residency.
an administration proposal leaning states have been Associated Press
to prohibit family planning working to start new legal argue that Title X funding Health Resources & er medical field for doctors
clinics funded by the gov- battles that could prompt has been used to indirectly Services Administration not to provide patients with
ernment’s Title X program the U.S. Supreme Court to subsidize Planned Parent- website. full medical information.
from making abortion refer- revisit its 1973 decision that hood, the leading abortion Wen said Title X funding “This is about restricting
rals. Opponents are calling legalized abortion. provider in the nation. They is not used for abortions. the practice of medicine,”
it a “gag rule.” Alabama has introduced have welcomed the presi- The funding is used to pro- Wen said. “It’s about politi-
The rule is set to take effect legislation that would make dent’s rule change. vide low-income people cians making decisions for
next week, unless the courts performing an abortion at Title X family planning clin- with affordable birth con- doctors and for patients.
intervene. Attorneys gen- any state of pregnancy a ics get federal funds to trol, as well as primary and It’s about politicians re-
eral in 20 mostly Democrat- felony unless the mother’s provide people with com- preventive care, including stricting the ability of doc-
controlled states, including health is in jeopardy. Ken- prehensive family planning cancer screenings and HIV tors to give our patients
Connecticut, Maryland, tucky and Mississippi have and preventative health tests. She said it would not full and accurate medical
Massachusetts and Rhode approved bans on abortion services, according to a be acceptable in any oth- information.”q
Island, are leading a law- once the fetal heartbeat is
suit challenging the rule. detected, which happens
“With all our champions as soon as the sixth week of
and supporters, this is the pregnancy.
time to be going on the On Monday, the Tennes-
offensive where we can,” see General Assembly ap-
said Wen, a physician who proved a proposal that
is Baltimore’s former health would effectively outlaw
commissioner. most abortions in that state,
Wen cited Maryland as a if the U.S. Supreme Court
leader among states op- overturns Roe v. Wade.
posing the rule. Earlier this Religious conservatives
month, Maryland became and abortion opponents