Page 13 - AHATA MARCH 9 2019
P. 13

                                                                                                                           Saturday 9 March 2019

            3rd place ‘Best beach of the world’ and 2nd place for the Caribbean Region
            Eagle Beach Aruba wins “Choice award for beaches” by TripAdvisor

            ORANJESTAD — Recently the Aruba Tourism Au-
            thority received the great news that Eagle Beach
            for the third year in a row made it to the top list
            for best beaches in the world and the Caribbean
            region. Aruba won 3rd place for the “Travelers’   map  and  serves  as  an  inspiration  to  travelers  and TripAdvisor offers this concept to their au-
            Choice awards for beaches” out of a pool of 25   to visit our island and enjoy a natural resource  dience with 49 different markets worldwide.
            destinations.  TripAdvisor  recognized  a  total  of   that is re-known worldwide”, says Ronella Tjin-
            352 beaches around the world. The winners were   Asjoe- Croes, CEO of the Aruba Tourism Author-  “Crystal clear water, white sandy beaches and
            chosen based on the amount and quality of the    ity.  TripAdvisor is a well-known worldwide trav-  exotic places is what makes the list of nominees
            reviews received from visitors on TripAdvisor ac-  eler’s site which enables travelers to give their  a very special one. There is something for every-
            cumulated for a period of 12 months.             review and opinions of their trips.             one on this list”, says Desirée Fish, Vice President
                                                                                                             of Global Communications for TripAdvisor.q
            “We are very happy and satisfied to be winners   The  site  covers  more  than  8.1  million  airlines,
            of  this  prestigious  category  Travelers’  Choice   accommodations,  experiences  and  restau-  Congratulations to Aruba to have Eagle Beach
            awards  for  Beaches  presented  by  TripAdvisor.   rants. Nowadays it’s a tendency that travelers  awarded  as  one  of  the  best  beaches  in  the
            This  award  definitely  puts  Aruba  on  the  global   choose their next destination based on reviews  world.

            Nos Clubhuis is gearing up for national holiday ‘Dia di Bandera’

                                                NOORD — ‘Dia di Himno y Bandera’  Restaurant, the day, is eagerly an-
                                                is a national holiday, proudly cel-  ticipated  and  preparations  are  in
                                                ebrating Aruba’s flag and anthem,  full swing.                          (while  stock  lasts).  The  live  band
                                                celebrated  on  March  18.  Lots  of                                    DUCO  will  be  performing  at  Nos
                                                folklore and contests surround this  During  the  entire  Monday  (March  Clubhuis  during  the  Happy  Hour
                                                day and children as well as adults  18)  guests  may  enjoy  local  food  and beyond at the home of the lo-
                                                love to spend it enjoying local food  specials  and  a  special  price  on  cal fishermen.
                                                in the company of family members  a bucket of ice-cold Chill. The full  It’s  the  perfect  ambiance  to  cel-
                                                and  friends.  At  Nos  Clubhuis,  the  day  the  bucket  goes  for  $18  and  ebrate the pride of Aruba. You are
                                                hidden  gem  on  top  of  Hadicurari  you will receive a free Aruba t-shirt  invited! q
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