Page 25 - ARUBA BANK
P. 25

                    Wednesday 22 May 2019

            Business loans and housing mortgages continued to increase

            Summary of the Monthly Bulletin of March 2019

            Monetary developments               on the public sector resulted from  ciated with foreign exchange rev-   month  of  the  previous  year.  This
            Compared to February 2019, mon-     declines  in  government  depos-    enue from tourism exports.          outcome resulted from decreases
            ey supply expanded in March 2019  its  of  Afl.  60.9  million  and  in  gross                              in  both  nontax  revenue  and  tax
            by  Afl.  59.0  million  to  Afl.  4,406.1  claims of Afl. 24.7 million. Claims of  Inflation               revenue of Afl. 7.6 million and Afl.
            million,  due  to  an  increase  in  net  the banking sector on the private  The consumer price index (CPI) for  2.6 million, respectively. The reduc-
            domestic assets of Afl. 80.6 million,  sector  expanded,  due  to  higher  March  2019  noted  a  4.0  percent  tion in tax revenue was associated
            which  was  partly  offset  by  a  de-  business  loans  (+Afl.  33.2  million),  increase year-over-year (YOY). The  mainly  with  declines  in  income
            crease in net foreign assets of Afl.  housing  mortgages  (+Afl.  5.1  mil-  main  contributors  to  this  rise  were  from  profit  tax  (-Afl.  5.4  million),
            21.6 million.  The upsurge in the do-  lion),  and consumer credits (+Afl.  the  components  “Food  and  Non-  transfer  tax  (-Afl.  3.6  million)  and
            mestic  component  of  the  money  2.6 million).                        Alcoholic  Beverages”  and  “Com-   foreign exchange tax (-Afl. 2.2 mil-
            supply was due to increases in do-                                      munication”.  Furthermore,  by  ex-  lion). These downturns were largely
            mestic credit and non-credit relat-  The Afl. 21.6 million decrease in the  cluding  the  effect  of  food  and  offset by increases in income from
            ed balance sheet items of Afl. 77.2  net  foreign  assets  of  the  banking  energy,  the  core  CPI  grew  by  2.2  turnover tax (+Afl. 7.0 million; intro-
            million and Afl. 3.4 million, respec-  sector  resulted  from  net  sales  of  percent (YOY). The 12-month aver-  duction of the B.A.V.P as opposed
            tively.  The  expansion  in  domestic  foreign exchange of Afl. 260.9 mil-  age inflation rate was 4.1 percent  to  the  same  month  in  2018),  and
            credit resulted from rises in the net  lion to the public, mostly related to  in  March  2019,  compared  to  4.0  income tax (+Afl. 2.4 million).
            claims of the banking sector on the  payments  for  goods,  other  invest-  percent in February 2019.       Tourism
            public sector and the claims of the  ment, other services and net trans-                                    Please note that figures on tourism
            banking sector on the private sec-  fers  to  foreign  accounts.  These  Government                         were not yet available at the time
            tor of Afl. 36.3 million and Afl. 40.9  were largely offset by net purchas-  Total government revenue amount-  of publication of this bulletin.q
            million, respectively. The upturn in  es of foreign exchange of Afl. 239.3  ed to Afl. 83.5 million in March 2019,
            net  claims  of  the  banking  sector  million from the public mainly asso-  Afl. 10.1 million less than the same   By the Centrale Bank van Aruba

            The Great Power of Compassion

            SANTA CRUZ — A monk and  and starts at 6.30 PM until 8
            a yogi sharing about com-    PM. You are most welcome
            passion and giving you in-   to come and gather.
            sights  that  open  the  heart.
            Isn’t  that  a  wonderful  way  The Brahma Kumaris World
            to  grant  yourself  some  in-  Spiritual  University  is  a  spiri-
            ner peace and tranquility?  tual  movement  that  origi-
            Brahma  Kumaris  Center  at  nated in Hyderabad, Sindh,
            Santa  Cruz  113  organizes  during the 1930s. The Brah-
            this special lecture for free,  ma   Kumaris   movement
            only  win  is  your  renewed  was founded by Lekhraj Kri-
            energy. Join in coming Sat-  palani.
            urday evening.
                                         The organization is affiliated
            Geshe  Chamba  Tonyut,  with the United Nations and
            monk,  and  Bk  Rota  Grun,  is known for the prominent
            yogi, will be waiting for you  role that women play in the
            to  share  thoughts  and  in-  movement.
            sights  about  compassion.
            A beautiful evening where  More  information  is  to  be
            hearts will be touched. The  found  at  Facebook:  Brah-
            evening  will  be  in  English  ma Kumaris Aruba. q
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