Page 16 - ATA front covers-14_Neat
P. 16
Thursday 1 december 2016
Loyal Guests Honored at the Marriott Ocean Club
PALM BEACH - Recently the These special guests love
Aruba Tourism Authority Aruba very much because
had the great pleasure of of the friendly people, the
honoring a very nice group weather, the beaches, the
of island guests whom are restaurants, and just about
loyal and friendly visitors of everything else!
Aruba as Distinguished Visi- They say being on Aruba
tors at the Marriott Ocean and staying at the Marriott
Club. The symbolic honor- Ocean Club is like being
ary title is presented in the at their ‘home-away-from-
name of the Minister of home,’ and the wonderful
Tourism as a token of ap- staff of the resort is like fam-
preciation to guests who ily to them. The certificates
visit Aruba for 10-to-19 con- were presented by Mr. Ri-
secutive years. The honor- cardo Croes representing
ees were Mr. Billy and Mrs. the Aruba Tourism Author-
Rosemarie Wennlund and ity together with family and
Mr. Scott and Mrs. Kathy friends and Ms. Lisette from
Latham. the Marriott Ocean Club.q