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                      Saturday 1 June 2019

            Tornado warning? In East, storm season brings bewilderment

            By DAVID PORTER                                                                                                     ous situation, OK?”
            Associated Press                                                                                                    Current  Bachelorette  Han-
            NEWARK,  N.J.  (AP)  —  As                                                                                          nah  Brown  stood  up  for
            a  tornado  bore  down  on                                                                                          Simpson in a tweet , thank-
            the  western  edge  of  New                                                                                         ing supporters in Dayton for
            Jersey, some residents pre-                                                                                         their  love  but  urging  them
            pared  for  the  worst,  while                                                                                      to be safe. “Naders are no
            others  were  caught  off                                                                                           joke,”  the  former  Miss  Ala-
            guard,  despite  bulletins                                                                                          bama USA tweeted.
            from  meteorologists  and                                                                                           The  nature  of  tornadoes
            extensive   coverage    by                                                                                          puts a premium on prepa-
            television  and  radio  sta-                                                                                        ration,  according  to  long-
            tions.                                                                                                              time  WCBS  Radio  meteo-
            Marie Raffay was at a high                                                                                          rologist  Craig  Allen.  Unlike
            school  sports  award  ban-                                                                                         hurricane  warnings,  which
            quet  in  Stanhope  on  Tues-                                                                                       often  are  issued  24  to  48
            day night with her husband                                                                                          hours  ahead  of  time,  a
            and  two  sons  when  they                                                                                          tornado  watch  often  is  is-
            and others noticed the sky                                                                                          sued  six  to  eight  hours  in
            darkening,  accompanied                                                                                             advance,  and  a  warning
            by thunder and lightning.                                                                                           isn’t given until a tornado is
            “We  figured  it  was  a  typi-                                                                                     seen on radar.
            cal  late  afternoon  storm,”                                                                                       Tornadoes  in  New  Jersey
            Raffay said. “Then the win-  A snapped tree trunk lays near the entrance of Lenape Valley Regional High School in Stanhope,   and  the  surrounding  area
            dows got pushed in by the    N.J. on Wednesday, May 29, 2019.                                                       also  can  be  more  difficult
            pressure.  I  said  to  another                                                                    Associated Press  to detect without the help
            woman,  ‘I  don’t  think  we  average.  Two  twisters  hit  cade  and  ripped  up  a  and getting shelter,” Payne  of radar, Allen said.
            should be standing there.’”  New York City on one day  softball dugout, depositing  said.  At  the  time,  no  fa-  “Tornadoes  around  here
            One  person  in  the  group  in  2012,  but  only  about  60  the  roof  on  its  side  on  the  talities had been reported.  aren’t  the  same  as  else-
            mentioned getting a torna-   had  hit  the  area  in  the  50  ground. Toppled trees and  Later, authorities said a sin-  where,  where  you  can
            do  warning  on  his  phone,  years before that, accord-  power  lines  left  most  resi-  gle man was killed in Celina  see  them  for  miles  and
            said  Raffay,  a  civil  engi-  ing to the National Weath-  dents without electricity.  when  winds  pushed  a  car  miles,”  he  said.  “They  are
            neer,  but  others  were  un-  er Service.                In  Ohio,  where  tornadoes  into his house.              rain-wrapped,  and  they
            aware.                       “The  fact  is  that  in  New  are far more common, me-   Not everyone was pleased  are small spinoffs; you usu-
            The nation has seen a surge  Jersey,  tornadoes  are  too  teorologists went on the of-  with the information dump.  ally  don’t  see  them  track-
            in  tornadoes  this  month,  rare for there to be a well-  fensive  Monday  night  with  Some television viewers, ap-  ing  across  miles  of  land.
            with  Tuesday  setting  a  re-  designed  warning  system  aggressive  tornado  warn-  parently inured to weather  If  it  wasn’t  for  radar,  we
            cord as the 12th consecu-    in  most  communities,  nor  ings,  actions  several  offi-  alerts,  complained  on  so-  wouldn’t even know some
            tive day with at least eight  a  properly  educated  pub-  cials said saved lives.     cial  media  about  an  Ohio  of them are there.”
            reported.  Some  tornado  lic  who  know  what  to  do  “Pretty  miraculous”  is  how  meteorologist  interrupting  Scott  Olson,  a  resident  of
            warnings  have  edged  into  when a warning is issued,”  Dayton  Fire  Chief  Jeffrey  “The  Bachelorette”  with  Byram,  New  Jersey,  where
            areas  of  the  East  Coast  said  David  Robinson,  the  Payne  described  the  sur-  a  tornado  warning,  lead-  Tuesday’s  tornado  caused
            unaccustomed  to  such  state’s  climatologist  and  a  vival  statistics  on  Tuesday  ing him to deliver an on-air  damage, recalled growing
            storms,  where  many  peo-   professor at Rutgers Univer-  morning.                    scolding .                   up in Minnesota and being
            ple are not conditioned to  sity.                         “I attribute much of that to  “No, we’re not going back  conditioned  to  swing  into
            hear or heed such alerts.    Tuesday’s  tornado  dam-     the early notification to the  to the show, folks,” Dayton  action  when  the  tornado
            New Jersey gets a handful  aged  Lenape  Valley  Re-      public,  and  then  the  pub-  meteorologist  Jamie  Simp-  sirens would go off, even in
            of  tornadoes  per  year  on  gional  High  School’s  fa-  lic heeding those warnings  son said. “This is a danger-  the dead of night.q

            Companies report progress on blood tests to detect cancer

            By MARILYNN MARCHIONE        without the disease.                                                                   tists.  Many  companies  are
            AP Chief Medical Writer      Grail  Inc.  gave  results  in  a                                                      trying to develop early de-
            A California company says  news release on Friday and                                                               tection “liquid biopsy” tests
            its experimental blood test  will  report  them  Saturday                                                           that  capture  bits  of  DNA
            was  able  to  detect  many  at the American Society of                                                             that cancer cells shed into
            types of cancer at an early  Clinical Oncology meeting                                                              blood.  On  Thursday,  Johns
            stage  and  gave  very  few  in Chicago. They have not                                                              Hopkins  University  scien-
            false alarms in a study that  been published in a journal                                                           tists  launched  a  company
            included  people  with  and  or reviewed by other scien-                                                            called  Thrive  Earlier  De-
                                                                                                                                tection  Corp.  to  develop
                                                                                                                                its  CancerSEEK  test,  which
                                                                                                                                yielded  results  similar  to
                                                                                                                                Grail’s  more  than  a  year
                                                                                                                                Grail is closely watched be-
                                                                                                                                cause of the extraordinary
                                                                                                                                investment it’s attracted —
                                                                                                                                more  than  $1  billion  from
                                                                      In  this  Tuesday,  April  28,  2015  file  photo,  a  patient  has  her
                                                                      blood drawn at a hospital in Philadelphia to monitor her cancer   Jeff  Bezos,  Bill  Gates  and
                                                                      treatment.                                                other celebrities.q
                                                                                                               Associated Press
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