Page 14 - AHATA
P. 14
Saturday 13 July 2019
“Choose a job you love, and you will
never have to work a day in your life”
EAGLE BEACH — Costa Linda these times. Celebrating their
Beach Resort prides itself on 27-year anniversary are Beatriz
being a great workplace with Angela, Felicitas Layos Tobias,
wonderful employees who help and Aivena Cornelis. Recogni-
make our members and guests tion is also given to Fernando
feel at home during their stay. Ceron Fernandez and Maria
Throughout the years, the talents Thiel for their 26-year anniversa-
and efforts of our employees ry. Last but not least are Alejan-
have made Costa Linda Beach drina Cathlin Suarez, Esperanza
Resort into the successful resort it Desbarida, Swienda Hengeveld,
is today. and Fritz Emmanuel, who are the
four dedicated staff members
Guests return each year to the celebrating 25-years of employ-
same smiling and welcoming ment at Costa Linda.
faces of our valued employees
and it is with great pride that In its 28 years of operation, Cos-
Costa Linda acknowledges the ta Linda now boast having 20
nine star employees who have employees working 25 or more
been at the helm of the resort for years.
25, 26 and 27 years.
The Board of Directors and Man-
These employees exemplify the agement wish to thank each
quality employees Costa Linda one for their dedication, loyalty,
strive to have, providing excel- and valuable contributions. Em-
lent service day in and day out. ployees like you are the founda-
In an ever changing and evolv- tion to any successful company.
ing industry, the one constant
were these employees, who Congratulations on your
have been with the resort during anniversary!q